LabsLand Spaces

Group with associated laboratories, within a school's LabsLand space.

What is a LabsLand space?

Every institution (whether it is a school, university, or company) using LabsLand has a LabsLand space.

A LabsLand space is a personalized web where institutions can organize the access to the laboratories by their students. In LabsLand, an institution typically has multiple groups of students using different laboratories. For example, a school might have multiple classes (Physics, Technology, Chemistry) using remote laboratories, or even in a single class, they might have different groups of students (one per year).

Manage your students

In your space, you can add your students to different groups with different permissions. This way, students in a course will have access to certain labs and students in others to other labs.

Manage roles

In the space you will have students, teachers and administrators. You can assign teachers to different courses. They will be able to access the laboratories but also see what their students did in those courses.

Integrate Learning Management Systems

LabsLand natively supports Learning Management Systems (such as Moodle, Sakai, Illias, Blackboard, Canvas among others) so you can integrate the laboratories in the context that students are already using. This way, you also don't need to register any student in LabsLand and still obtain all the analytics information.

Start using a LabsLand